Source code for neuropsydia.write

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .path import *
from .core import *

from .core import color as core_color  # avoid conflict with arg name

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[docs]def write(text="Write something here", style="body", x=0, y=0, size=1.0, rotate=0, color="black", background=None, outline=False, outline_size=0.1, outline_color="black", allow=None, wait=None, long_text=False, fast=False): """ Display some text on screen. Parameters ------------- text : str The text to display. style : str 'body', 'psychometry', 'psychometry_bold', 'light', 'bold', 'title', 'subtitle' or 'end'. Can overwrite other parameters such as position, size or allow. You can also insert the name of a system font, or the path to a specific font. x : float Horizontal position of the center (from -10 (left) to 10 (right)). y : float Vertical position of the center (from -10 (bottom) to 10 (top)). size : float Text size. rotate : int Rotation angle (0 to 360). color : str or tuple Text color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. background : str Background color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. outline : bool Text outline (unperfect for now, as the outline is larger for horizontal than for vertical lines). outline_size : float Outline size. outline_color : str or tuple Outline color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. allow : str or list Wait until a specific key is pressed (e.g., 'ENTER', ['LEFT', 'RIGHT'] or 'any'). wait : float Wait time (in milliseconds). long_text : bool Set to True for longer texts on multiple lines. Then, the x and y parameters are not working, but you can jump lines using 'backslash + n' in your text. Some parameters are disabled. Unperfect for now. fast : bool Disables some parameters for improved speed. Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> n.write('here is my title', style='title') >>> n.write('here is my text', font_color='red') >>> n.write('press ENTER to quit', style='end') >>> n.close() Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( - Léo Dutriaux ( *Dependencies* - pygame """ if fast is True: size = int(size*screen_width/35.0) x, y = Coordinates.to_pygame(x=x, y=y) if style != 'body': font = Font.get(style, size) else: font = Font.get('RobotoRegular.ttf', size) surface = font.render(text, True, core_color(color)) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (x, y) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) else: size = int(size*screen_width/35.0) outline_size = int(outline_size*screen_width/35.0) text = str(text) if style == 'body': font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoRegular.ttf' elif style == 'psychometry': font_name = Path.font() + 'LiberationMono-Regular.ttf' elif style == 'psychometry_bold': font_name = Path.font() + 'LiberationMono-Bold.ttf' elif style == 'light': font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoLight.ttf' elif style == 'bold': font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoBold.ttf' elif style == 'title': if size == int(1.0*screen_width/35.0): size = int(2.0*screen_width/35.0) font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoBlack.ttf' if y == 0: y = 8.5 if background==None: background="white" elif style == 'subtitle': if size == int(1.0*screen_width/35.0): size = int(1.5*screen_width/35.0) font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoBold.ttf' if y == 0: y=7 elif style == 'end': font_name = Path.font() + 'RobotoBold.ttf' if y == 0: y = -9 if allow==None: allow="ENTER" else: font_name = style font = Font.get(font_name,size) if outline==True: font_outline = Font.get(font_name, size+outline_size) #If NOT long text if long_text is False: x, y = Coordinates.to_pygame(x=x,y=y) if outline is True: surface = font_outline.render(text, True, core_color(outline_color)) if rotate != None or rotate != 0: surface = pygame.transform.rotate(surface,rotate) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (x,y) newpage(background, auto_refresh=False) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) surface = font.render(text, True, core_color(color)) if rotate != None or rotate != 0: surface = pygame.transform.rotate(surface,rotate) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (x,y) newpage(background, auto_refresh=False) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) #If long text if long_text is True: paragraph = '' line = 0 for i in range(len(text)): if i == (len(text) - 1): paragraph = paragraph + text[i] surface = font.render(paragraph, 1, (0, 0, 0)) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (screen_width/2, (surface.get_height()/2)+(line*surface.get_height())) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) elif text[i] == '\n': surface = font.render(paragraph, 1, (0, 0, 0)) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (screen_width/2, (surface.get_height()/2)+(line*surface.get_height())) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) paragraph = "" line += 1 else: paragraph = paragraph + text[i] if text[i] == " ": buffer = paragraph for x in range (len(text)-i-1): if text[i+x+1] == '\n' or text[i+x+1]== " ": break else: buffer = buffer+text[i+x+1] surface_buffer = font.render(buffer, 1, (0, 0, 0)) rectangle = surface_buffer.get_rect() if surface_buffer.get_width()+screen_width/4>screen_width: surface = font.render(paragraph, 1, (0, 0, 0)) rectangle = surface.get_rect() = (screen_width/2, (surface.get_height()/2)+(line*surface.get_height())) screen.blit(surface, rectangle) paragraph = "" line += 1 #END : In case we must wait until something if allow != None or wait != None: refresh() if allow == None and wait != None: time.wait(wait) return(wait) if allow != None: return(response(allow=allow,time_max=wait))