Source code for neuropsydia.meta

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import neurokit as nk
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import random

from .path import *
from .core import *
from .write import *
from .image import *
from .start import *
from .scale import *
from .ask import *
from .data import *

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[docs]def instructions(text, background='white', color="black", size=1.0, title="INSTRUCTIONS", title_color="black", subtitle=None, subtitle_color="black", end_text="Appuyez sur ENTRER pour commencer.", top_space=5): """ Help incomplete, sorry. Parameters ---------- NA Returns ---------- NA Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- - pygame 1.9.2 """ newpage(background, auto_refresh=False) if title is not None: write(title, style="title", color=title_color) if subtitle is not None: write(subtitle, style="subtitle", color=subtitle_color) top_space = ["\n"]*top_space top_space = "".join(str(elem) for elem in top_space) write(top_space + text, size=size, color=color, long_text=True) write(end_text, style='end', color=color)
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[docs]def questionnaire(questions_dictionary, questions_list_key_name='Item', background='white', size=1, show_page_number=True, randomize=False, reverse=False, results_save=False, results_name="questionnaire_results", results_path="", participant_id="", dimensions_mean=False, dimensions_key_name='Dimension', style='red', x=0, y=-3.3, anchors=None, anchors_space=2, anchors_size=0.7, edges=[0,100], validation=True, analog=True, step=1, labels="numeric", labels_size=0.8, labels_rotation=0, labels_space=-1, labels_x=0, line_thickness=4, line_length=8, line_color="black", title=None, title_style="body", title_size=1, title_space=2, point_center=False, point_edges=True, force_separation=False, separation_labels=None, separation_labels_size=1, separation_labels_rotate=0, separation_labels_space=-1, show_result=False, show_result_shape="circle", show_result_shape_fill_color="white", show_result_shape_line_color="red", show_result_shape_size=0.8, show_result_space=1.2, show_result_size=0.5, show_result_color="black", instructions_text=None, instructions_top_space=5, show_result_decimals=1, cursor_size=1): """ A wrapper function for easily creating questionnaires. You can go back and forth in the questions using the LEFT and RIGHT keyboard arrows. Parameters ---------- questions_dictionary : dict A dict of the following stucture: >>> questions_dictionary = { >>> "Item": { >>> 1: "Is Neuropsydia great?", >>> 2: "Is Neuropsydia not great?", >>> 3: "Is Python great?", >>> 4: "Is Python not great?" >>> } >>> } questions_list_key_name : str Key name of the sub-dict containing the items. background : str Background color. size : int Question's size. show_page_number : bool Show page number. randomize : bool Randomize question presentation. reverse : bool Needs a "Reverse" sub-dict with booleans showing which questions are reversed. results_save : bool Save the results. results_name : str Filename. results_path : str Path where to save. participant_id : str Append the participant's name in the filename. dimensions_mean : bool Compute the mean by dimension. Needs a "Dimension" sub-dict. dimensions_key_name : str Key name of the sub-dict containing dimensions. style : str style, check `neuropsydia.scale_styles()` function to see what's available. x : float Horizontal position of the center (from -10 (left) to 10 (right)). y : float Vertical position of the center (from -10 (bottom) to 10 (top)). anchors : list of two str a list of two propositions to be displayed on the sides of the scale (e.g., [not at all, very much]). anchors_space : float spacing betweeen the edge and the anchors. anchors_size : float size of the anchors' font. edges : list the underlying numerical edges of the scale. validation : bool confirm the response with a second left click or withdraw with a right click. analog : bool continuous (discrete) scale. step : int if analog is True, what are the step to go between the edges (determine the number of points on the scale). labels : str or list "num", "numeric" or "numbers" or list of actual text labels (e.g., ["not at all", "a bit", "very much"]). labels_size : float Size of labels. labels_rotation : float Labels rotation angle. labels_space : float Space between scale and labels. labels_x : float Horizontal dodging position. line_thickness : float Scale line thickness. line_length : float Scale line length. line_color : str Scale line color. background : str Scale background color. title : str Scale title/question to ask. title_style : str 'body', 'psychometry', 'psychometry_bold', 'light', 'bold'. You can also insert the name of a system font, or the path to a specific font. title_size : float Title size. title_space : float Space between scale and title. point_center : bool Place a point at the center. point_edges : bool Place points at the edges. reverse : bool The result is scored as inverse. force_separation : int Creates visual separations with points. separation_labels : list Place labels corresponding to the separations. separation_labels_size : float Separation labels size. separation_labels_rotate : float Separation labels rotation angle. separation_labels_space : float Space between scale and separation labels. show_result : bool Add a marker to show the value on scale. show_result_shape : str Shape of this marker. "circle" or "rectangle". show_result_shape_fill_color : str Fill color of the marker. show_result_shape_line_color : str Line color of the marker. show_result_shape_size : float Marker's shape size. show_result_space : float Space between scale and marker. show_result_size : float Results text size. show_result_color : str Results text color. show_result_decimals : int How many decimals to show. cursor_size : float Size of the circle cursor. Returns ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A pandas' dataframe containing the data. Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> questions_dictionary = { >>> "Item": { >>> 1: "Is Neuropsydia great?", >>> 2: "Is Neuropsydia not great?", >>> 3: "Is Python great?", >>> 4: "Is Python not great?" >>> }, >>> "Reverse": { >>> 1: False, >>> 2: True, >>> 3: False, >>> 4: True >>> }, >>> "Dimension": { >>> 1: "Neuropsydia", >>> 2: "Neuropsydia", >>> 3: "Python", >>> 4: "Python" >>> } >>> } >>> n.start() >>> n.questionnaire(questions_dictionary, anchors=["No", "Yes"], results_save=True, dimensions_mean=True) >>> n.close() Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( *Dependencies* - pygame - pandas """ time_start = if isinstance(questions_dictionary,dict) == False: print("NEUROPSYDIA ERROR: questionnaire(): wrong object given (not a dictionary), check!create-questionnaire/ncq23 for help.") try: questions = questions_dictionary[questions_list_key_name] except: print("NEUROPSYDIA ERROR: questionnaire(): arg questions_list_key_name does not match.") n_questions = len(questions) order = list(questions.keys()) if randomize is True: random.shuffle(order) questions_dictionary["Answer"] = {} questions_dictionary["RT"] = {} questions_dictionary["Order"] = {} questions_dictionary["Time"] = {} if instructions_text != None: try: instructions(instructions_text, top_space=instructions_top_space) except: print("NEUROPSYDIA ERROR: questionnaire(): problem in 'instructions_text' arg, make sure it's a normal string.") i = 0 while i < n_questions: try: newpage(background, auto_refresh=False) time.wait(30) if show_page_number is True: write('Question n°' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(n_questions), style="light", y=9) text = questions_dictionary[questions_list_key_name][order[i]] write('\n\n\n\n\n\n'+text, long_text=True, size=size) try: reverse_question = questions_dictionary['Reverse'][order[i]] except: if isinstance(reverse,list) is True: reverse_question=reverse[i] else: reverse_question=reverse try: if isinstance(questions_dictionary["Anchors"], dict): anchors = questions_dictionary['Anchors'][order[i]] except: pass t0 = builtin_time.clock() answer = scale(style=style, anchors=anchors, anchors_space=anchors_space, anchors_size=anchors_size, edges = edges, validation=validation, analog=analog, step=step, labels=labels, labels_size=labels_size, labels_rotation=labels_rotation, labels_space=labels_space,labels_x=labels_x, line_thickness=line_thickness, line_length=line_length, line_color=line_color, background=background, title=title, title_style=title_style, title_size=title_size, title_space=title_space, reverse=reverse_question, point_center=point_center, point_edges=point_edges, force_separation=force_separation, separation_labels=separation_labels, separation_labels_size=separation_labels_size, separation_labels_rotate=separation_labels_rotate, separation_labels_space=separation_labels_space, show_result=show_result, show_result_shape=show_result_shape, show_result_shape_fill_color=show_result_shape_fill_color, show_result_shape_line_color=show_result_shape_line_color, show_result_shape_size=show_result_shape_size, show_result_space=show_result_space, show_result_size=show_result_size, show_result_color=show_result_color, show_result_decimals=show_result_decimals, cursor_size=cursor_size) RT = (builtin_time.clock()-t0 ) * 1000 if answer == 'RIGHT': answer = np.nan questions_dictionary["Answer"][order[i]] = answer questions_dictionary["RT"][order[i]] = RT questions_dictionary["Order"][order[i]] = i+1 questions_dictionary["Time"][order[i]] = if answer == 'LEFT': i -= 1 else: i += 1 except: print("NEUROPSYDIA ERROR: questionnaire(): someting went wrong (error number 2)") df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(questions_dictionary) df["Time_Start"] = time_start df["Time_End"] = df["Total_Duration"] = ( if dimensions_mean == True: for dim in set(df[dimensions_key_name]): df[dim] = df[(df[dimensions_key_name]==dim)]["Answer"].mean() if results_save == True: save_data(df, filename=results_name, path=results_path, participant_id=participant_id, index=True, index_label="Item_Number") return(df)