Source code for neuropsydia.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .screen import screen, screen_width, screen_height, monitor_diagonal

import os
import pygame
import time as builtin_time
import numpy as np
import datetime

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class Time():
    A class object to wait some time, get time, control time and such.
    Its methods (functions) are:
        - reset()
        - control()
        - wait()
        - get()
    See those for further informations.

    Note that by default, there is already a Time class object called "time" (lowercase) that is initialized at neuropsydia's loading. For the sake of clarity, use this one (e.g., n.time.wait() ), especially for wait() and control() functions.



    >>> import neuropsydia as n
    >>> n.start()
    >>> myclock = n.Time()
    >>> time_passed_since_myclock_creation = myclock.get()
    >>> myclock.reset()
    >>> time_passed_since_reset = myclock.get()
    >>> n.close()

    Dominique Makowski

    - pygame
    - time
    def __init__(self):
        self.clock = builtin_time.clock()
        self.pygame_clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    def reset(self):
        Reset the clock of the Time object.



        >>> import neuropsydia as n
        >>> n.start()
        >>> time_passed_since_neuropsydia_loading = n.time.get()
        >>> n.time.reset()
        >>> time_passed_since_reset = n.time.get()
        >>> n.close()

        Dominique Makowski

        - pygame
        - time
        self.clock = builtin_time.clock()
        self.pygame_clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    def control(self, frequency=60):
        Control time. Must be placed in a while loop and, each time the program runs through it, checks if the time passed is less than a certain amount (the frequency, by default 60, so 1/60 seconds). If true, the program stops and wait what needed before continuing, so that each loop takes at least 1/frequency seconds to be complete.

        frequency = int, optional
            The minimum frequency you want the loop to run at


        >>> import neuropsydia as n
        >>> n.start()
        >>> while n.time.get() < 5:
        >>>     n.time.control()
        >>>     print(n.time.get())
        >>> n.close()

        Dominique Makowski

        - pygame
        - time

    def get(self, reset=True):
        Get time since last initialisation / reset.

        reset = bool, optional
            Should the clock be reset after returning time?

            Time passed in milliseconds.

        >>> import neuropsydia as n
        >>> n.start()
        >>> time_passed_since_neuropsydia_loading = n.time.get()
        >>> n.time.reset()
        >>> time_passed_since_reset = n.time.get()
        >>> n.close()

        Dominique Makowski

        - pygame
        - time
        t = (builtin_time.clock()-self.clock)*1000

        if reset is True:

    def wait(self, time_to_wait, unit="ms", frequency=60, round_by_frame=True, skip=None):
        Wait some time.

        time_to_wait = int
            Time to wait
        unit = str
            "min" for minutes, "s" for seconds, "ms" for milliseconds, or "frame" for a certain amount of frames (depending on the frequency parameter)
        frequency = int
            should be a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate
        round by frame = bool
            should the waiting time be rounded to match an exact number of frame / refresh cycles? (e.g., on a 60Hz monitor, 95ms will be rounded to 100, because the monitor is refreshed every 16.6667ms)
        skip = str
            Shoud there be a key to skip the waiting. Default to None.

            Actual time waited in milliseconds

        >>> import neuropsydia as n
        >>> n.start()

        >>> n.write("let's wait 500ms", round_by_frame = False)
        >>> n.refresh()
        >>> wait_time = n.time.wait(520)
        >>> n.newpage("white")
        >>> n.write("I waited for " + str(wait_time) + "ms")
        >>> n.refresh()
        >>> wait_time = n.time.wait(520, round_by_frame = True)
        >>> n.newpage("white")
        >>> n.write("I waited for " + str(wait_time) + "ms")
        >>> n.refresh()
        >>> n.time.wait(3, unit = "s")

        >>> n.close()

        Dominique Makowski

        - pygame
        - time
        t0 = builtin_time.clock()
        if unit == "min":
            time_to_wait = time_to_wait * 60
            unit = "s"
        if unit == "s":
            time_to_wait = time_to_wait * 1000
            unit = "ms"
        if unit == "ms":
            if round_by_frame is True:
                time_to_wait = round(time_to_wait / (1/frequency*1000))
                time_to_wait = round(time_to_wait * (1/frequency*1000))
        if unit == "frame":
            time_to_wait = time_to_wait * (1/frequency*1000)

        if skip is None:
            pygame.time.delay(time_to_wait)  # In milliseconds
            response(allow=skip, time_max=time_to_wait)

    def now(self):
        Returns current (absolute) date and time.


            Current date and time.

        >>> import neuropsydia as n
        >>> n.start()


        >>> n.close()

        Dominique Makowski

        - datetime

# Initialize a Time() object.
time = Time()

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[docs]def newpage(color_name="white", opacity=100, fade=False, fade_speed=60, fade_type="out", auto_refresh=True): """ Fill the background with a color. Parameters ------------ color_name : str, tuple, optional name of the color (see color() function), or an RGB tuple (e.g., (122,84,01)). opacity : int, optional opacity of the color (in percents). fade : bool, optional do you want a fade effect? fade_speed : int, optional frequency (speed) of the fading. fade_type : str, optional "out" or "in", fade out or fade in. Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> n.newpage("blue") >>> n.refresh() >>> n.time.wait(500) >>> n.close() Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( *Dependencies* - pygame - time """ if color_name is not None: if fade is False: if opacity == 100: try: screen.fill(color(color_name)) except: print("NEUROPSYDIA ERROR: newpage(): wrong argument") else: opacity = int(opacity * 255 / 100) color_name = color(color_name) + (opacity,) mask = pygame.Surface((screen_width, screen_height), pygame.SRCALPHA) # per-pixel alpha mask.fill(color_name) # notice the alpha value in the color screen.blit(mask, (0, 0)) if auto_refresh is True: refresh() if fade is True: original_color_name = color_name clock = pygame.time.Clock() for i in range(0, 40, 1): clock.tick_busy_loop(fade_speed) if fade_type == "out": color_name = color(original_color_name) + (i,) else: color_name = color(original_color_name) + (255-i, ) mask = pygame.Surface((screen_width, screen_height), pygame.SRCALPHA) # per-pixel alpha mask.fill(color_name) # notice the alpha value in the color screen.blit(mask, (0, 0)) refresh() screen.fill(color(original_color_name))
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[docs]def refresh(): """ Refresh / flip the screen: actually display things on screen. Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> n.newpage("blue") >>> n.refresh() >>> n.time.wait(500) >>> n.close() Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( *Dependencies* - pygame """ pygame.display.flip()
# ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== keys = { "normal": {109: ',', 44: ';', 46: ':',47: '!', 97: 'q', 98: 'b', 99: 'c', 100: 'd', 101: 'e', 102: 'f', 103: 'g', 104: 'h', 105: 'i', 106: 'j', 107: 'k', 108: 'l', 59: 'm', 110: 'n', 111: 'o', 112: 'p', 113: 'a', 114: 'r', 115: 's', 116: 't', 117: 'u', 118: 'v', 119: 'z', 120: 'x', 121: 'y', 122: 'w', 57: 'ç', 56: '_', 55: 'è', 54: '-', 53: '(', 52: "_", 51: '_', 50:'é', 49: '&', 48: 'à', 32: 'SPACE', 13: "ENTER",276: "LEFT",274: "DOWN",275: "RIGHT",273: "UP", 266: ".", pygame.K_KP0: '0', pygame.K_KP1: '1', pygame.K_KP2: '2', pygame.K_KP3: '3',pygame.K_KP4: '4', pygame.K_KP5: '5',pygame.K_KP6: '6',pygame.K_KP7: '7',pygame.K_KP8: '8',pygame.K_KP9: '9'}, "shift": {109:'?', 44: '.', 46: '/',47: '§', 97: 'Q', 98: 'B', 99: 'C', 100: 'D', 101 : 'E', 102: 'F', 103: 'G', 104: 'H', 105: 'I', 106: 'J', 107: 'K', 108: 'L', 59: 'M', 110: 'N', 111: 'O', 112: 'P', 113: 'A', 114: 'R', 115: 'S', 116: 'T', 117: 'U', 118: 'V', 119: 'Z', 120: 'X', 121: 'Y', 122: 'W', 57: '9', 56: '8', 55: '7', 54: '6', 53: '5', 52: '4', 51: '3', 50: '2', 49: '1', 48: '0', 32: 'SPACE', 13: "ENTER",276: "LEFT",274: "DOWN",275: "RIGHT",273: "UP", 266: ".", pygame.K_KP0: '0',pygame.K_KP1: '1',pygame.K_KP2: '2',pygame.K_KP3:'3',pygame.K_KP4: '4', pygame.K_KP5: '5',pygame.K_KP6: '6',pygame.K_KP7: '7',pygame.K_KP8: '8',pygame.K_KP9:'9'}, "altgr": {97: 'q', 98: 'b', 99: 'c', 100: 'd', 101 : '€', 102: 'f', 103: 'g', 104: 'h', 105: 'i', 106: 'j', 107: 'k', 108: 'l', 59: 'm', 110: 'n', 111: 'o', 112: 'p', 113: 'a', 114: 'r', 115: 's', 116: 't', 117: 'u', 118: 'v', 119: 'z', 120: 'x', 121: 'y', 122: 'w', 57: '^', 56: '_', 55: '`', 54: '|', 53: '[', 52: '{', 51: '#', 50: '~', 49: '1', 48: '@', 32: 'SPACE', 13: "ENTER",276: "LEFT",274: "DOWN",275: "RIGHT",273: "UP", 266: ".", pygame.K_KP0: '0',pygame.K_KP1: '1',pygame.K_KP2: '2',pygame.K_KP3: '3',pygame.K_KP4: '4', pygame.K_KP5: '5',pygame.K_KP6: '6',pygame.K_KP7: '7',pygame.K_KP8: '8',pygame.K_KP9: '9'} } def wait_for_input(time_max=None): """ Low level input checker. Parameters ---------- time_max = int time max in ms Returns ---------- key A key. Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- - pygame - time """ if pygame.event.get_blocked(pygame.KEYDOWN) is True: blocked = True pygame.event.set_allowed(pygame.KEYDOWN) else: blocked = False pygame.event.set_allowed(pygame.KEYDOWN) time_out = False loop = True if time_max is None: while loop: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT: modifier = "shift" elif pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_RALT: modifier = "altgr" else: modifier = "normal" if event.key != pygame.K_RSHIFT and event.key != pygame.K_LSHIFT and event.key != pygame.K_RALT: loop = False else: local_time = Time() while loop and local_time.get(reset=False) < time_max: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT: modifier = "shift" elif pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_RALT: modifier = "altgr" else: modifier = "normal" if event.key != pygame.K_RSHIFT and event.key != pygame.K_LSHIFT and event.key != pygame.K_RALT: loop = False if local_time.get(reset=False) > time_max: time_out = True if blocked is True: pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.KEYDOWN) if time_out == True: return("Time_Max_Exceeded") else: try: return(keys[modifier][event.key]) except KeyError: return(event.key)
[docs]def response(allow=None, enable_escape=True, time_max=None, get_RT=True): """ Get a (keyboard, for now) response. Parameters ---------- allow : str or list Keys to allow. enable_escape : bool Enable escape key to exit. time_max : int Maximum time to wait for a response (ms). get_RT : bool Return response time. Returns ---------- str or tuple returns a tuple when get_RT is set to True Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( *Dependencies* - pygame """ local_time = Time() if allow is not None: if not isinstance(allow, list): allow = [allow] while True: pressed_key = wait_for_input(time_max=time_max) if pressed_key == "Time_Max_Exceeded": return("Time_Max_Exceeded", local_time.get()) if pressed_key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: if enable_escape is True: if get_RT is True: return("ESCAPE", local_time.get()) else: return("ESCAPE") elif allow is not None: if pressed_key in allow: if get_RT is True: return(pressed_key, local_time.get()) else: return(pressed_key) else: if get_RT is True: return(pressed_key, local_time.get()) else: return(pressed_key)
# ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== class Coordinates: """ A class object to go from pygame corrdinates system to neuropsydia's and vice versa. Its methods (functions) are: - to_pygame() - from_pygame() Parameters ---------- None Returns ---------- None Example ---------- None Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- - pygame """ def to_pygame(x=None, y=None, distance_x=None, distance_y=None): """ Convert coordinates from neuropsydia (-10:10) to pygame's system (in pixels). Parameters ---------- x = float [-10:10] y = float [-10:10] distance_x = convert a horizontal distance [-10:10] distance_y = convert a horizontal distance [-10:10] Returns ---------- NA Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- - pygame """ if x != None and y == None: x = (x+10.0)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_width-0.0)+0.0 return(int(x)) if x == None and y != None: y = (-y+10.0)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(y)) if x != None and y != None: x = (x+10.0)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_width-0.0)+0.0 y = (-y+10.0)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(x),int(y)) if distance_x != None and distance_y is None: distance_x = (distance_x)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_width-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_x)) if distance_y != None and distance_x is None: distance_y = (-distance_y)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_y)) if distance_x != None and distance_y != None: distance_x = (distance_x)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_width-0.0)+0.0 distance_y = (-distance_y)/(10.0+10.0)*(screen_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_x), int(distance_y)) def from_pygame(x=None, y=None): """ Help incomplete, sorry. Parameters ---------- NA Returns ---------- NA Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- - pygame """ if x != None and y == None: x =20*x/screen_width - 10 return(x) if x == None and y != None: y = -(20*y/screen_height) + 10 return(y) if x != None and y != None: x =20*x/screen_width - 10 y = -(20*y/screen_height) + 10 return(x, y) def to_physical(distance_x=None, distance_y=None, monitor_diagnonal=monitor_diagonal, unit="cm"): """ Help incomplete, sorry. Parameters ---------- monitor_diagonal = int in inches (24, 27, etc). Returns ---------- NA Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- None """ if unit=="cm": diagonal = monitor_diagonal*2.54 coef = np.sqrt(((screen_height*screen_height) + (screen_width*screen_width))/(diagonal*diagonal)) monitor_height = screen_height/coef monitor_width = screen_width/coef if distance_x != None and distance_y is None: distance_x = (distance_x)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_width-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_x)) if distance_y != None and distance_x is None: distance_y = (distance_y)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_y)) if distance_y != None and distance_x != None: distance_x = (distance_x)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_width-0.0)+0.0 distance_y = (distance_y)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_height-0.0)+0.0 return(distance_x, distance_y) def from_physical(distance_x=None, distance_y=None, monitor_diagonal=monitor_diagonal, unit="cm"): """ Help incomplete, sorry. Parameters ---------- monitor_diagonal = int in inches (24, 27, etc). Returns ---------- NA Example ---------- NA Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- None """ if unit=="cm": diagonal = monitor_diagonal*2.54 coef = np.sqrt(((screen_height*screen_height) + (screen_width*screen_width))/(diagonal*diagonal)) monitor_height = screen_height/coef monitor_width = screen_width/coef if distance_x != None and distance_y is None: distance_x = (distance_x)*(10.0+10.0)/(monitor_width-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_x)) if distance_y != None and distance_x is None: distance_y = (distance_y)*(10.0+10.0)/(monitor_height-0.0)+0.0 return(int(distance_y)) if distance_y != None and distance_x != None: distance_x = (distance_x)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_width-0.0)+0.0 distance_y = (distance_y)/(10.0+10.0)*(monitor_height-0.0)+0.0 return(distance_x, distance_y) # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== class Font_Cache_Init: def __init__(self): self.cache = {} #Initialize an empty cache def get(self,font_path,size): if not (font_path,int(size)) in self.cache: #if not in cache, if os.path.exists(font_path): #if the path leads to a font, self.cache[font_path,int(size)] = pygame.font.Font(font_path, int(size)) #load this font else: self.cache[font_path,int(size)] = pygame.font.SysFont(font_path, int(size)) #load a system font return(self.cache[font_path,int(size)]) global Font Font = Font_Cache_Init() #Create the font object that will update itself with the different loaded fonts # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== color_list = { "white":(255,255,255), "w":(255,255,255), "black":(0,0,0), "b":(0,0,0), "grey":(128,128,128), "g":(128,128,128), "raw_red":(255,0,0), "raw_green":(0,255,0 ), "raw_blue":(0, 0, 255), "red":(244,67,54), "pink":(233,30,99), "purple":(156,39,176), "deeppurple":(103,58,183), "indigo":(63,81,181), "blue":(33,150,243), "lightblue":(3,169,244), "cyan":(0,188,212), "teal":(0,150,136), "green":(76,175,80), "lightgreen":(139,195,74), "lime":(205,220,57), "yellow":(255,235,59), "amber":(255,193,7), "orange":(255,152,0), "deeporange":(255,87,34), "brown":(121,85,72), "lightgrey":(220,220,220), "darkgrey":(105,105,105), "bluegrey":(96,125,139), "pale_red":(239,154,154), "pale_pink":(244,143,177), "pale_purple":(206,147,216), "pale_deeppurple":(179,157,219), "pale_indigo":(159,168,218), "pale_blue":(144,202,249), "pale_light_blue":(129,212,250), "pale_cyan":(128,222,234), "pale_teal":(128,203,196), "pale_green":(165,214,167), "pale_lightgreen":(197,225,165), "pale_lime":(230,238,156), "pale_yellow":(255,245,157), "pale_amber":(255,224,130), "pale_orange":(255,204,128), "pale_deeporange":(255,171,145), "pale_brown":(188,170,164), "blue_shade":[(204,229,255),(153,204,255),(102,178,222),(51,153,255),(0,128,255)], "red_shade":[(255,204,204),(255,153,153),(255,102,102),(255,51,51),(255,0,0)], "green_shade":[(204,255,204),(153,255,153),(102,255,102),(51,255,51),(0,255,0)], "multi_shade":[(255,51,51),(255,51,255),(51,153,255),(51,255,51),(255,153,51)] } def color(color): """ Returns an RGB color tuple (or list) from its name. Parameters ---------- color = str one from the color_list list Returns ---------- tuple or list Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> print(n.color_list) >>> print(n.color("blue")) >>> n.close() Authors ---------- Dominique Makowski Dependencies ---------- None """ if isinstance(color,str): try: return(color_list[color]) except: print("NEUROPSYDIA WARNING: color() was used, however the argument " + str(color) + " was not detected and might cause errors.") return(color) else: return(color) # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== # ============================================================================== def cursor(visible=True): """ Set the mouse cursor to visible or invisible. Parameters ---------- visible = bool True for visible, False for invisible. Returns ---------- None Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> n.cursor(True) >>> n.time.wait(2000) >>> n.close() Authors ---------- The pygame team Dependencies ---------- - pygame 1.9.2 """ pygame.mouse.set_visible(visible)