Source code for neuropsydia.ask

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Submodule for the ask() function.
from .path import *
from .core import *
from .write import *

from .core import color as core_color #avoid conflict with arg name

#======================================================================== ======
[docs]def ask(text="Write something here:", style='light', x=-8, y=0, order=None, size=1.0, color="black", background="white", hide=False, detach_question=False, question_style="light", question_x=0, question_y=0, question_size=1, question_color="black", question_long_text=False, allow=None, allow_length=None, allow_type=None, allow_max=None, allow_NA=True): """ Display a question and get the subject's answer. Parameters ------------ text : str The question to be displayed. style : str "body", "light" or "bold". order : int For series of questions, it's sometimes easier to just specify the order (1, 2 , 3, ...) and the quetsions will appear one under the other. x : float Horizontal position (from -10 (left) to 10 (right)). y : float Vertical position of the center (from -10 (bottom) to 10 (top)). size : float Text size. color : str or tuple Text color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. background : str or tuple Background color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. hide : bool Display "****" (stars) instead of the actual answer. detach_question : bool If set to true, then the question can be manipulated separately using the parameters below. question_style : str 'body', 'psychometry', 'psychometry_bold', 'light', 'bold', 'title', 'subtitle' or 'end'. Can overwrite other parameters such as position, size or allow. You can also insert the name of a system font, or the path to a specific font. question_x : float Horizontal position of the question (from -10 (left) to 10 (right)). question_y : float Vertical position of the question (from -10 (bottom) to 10 (top)). question_size : float Question size. question_color : str Question color. See `neuropsydia.color()`. question_long_text : bool et to True for longer texts on multiple lines. Then, the x and y parameters are not working, but you can jump lines using 'backslash + n' in your text. Some parameters are disabled. Unperfect for now. allow : list Allow only specific answers (e.g., ["yes", "no"]). allow_length : int Allow only a specific answer length. allow_type : str "str", "int" or "float". Allow only a specific type. allow_max : int When allow_type is int or float, set a maximum. allow_NA : bool Allow absence of response. Returns ---------- answer : str Input. Example ---------- >>> import neuropsydia as n >>> n.start() >>> answer = n.ask("Hey, you're good?") >>> print(answer) >>> n.close() Notes ---------- *Authors* - Dominique Makowski ( - Léo Dutriaux ( *Dependencies* - pygame """ if detach_question is not False: write(text, style=question_style, x=question_x, y=question_y, size=question_size, color=question_color, long_text=question_long_text) text_new = '' else: text_new = text + " " # Convert size to pygame compatible size size = int(size*screen_width/35.0) # Get fonts if style is 'body': font = Font.get(Path.font() + 'RobotoRegular.ttf', size) elif style is 'light': font = Font.get(Path.font() + 'RobotoLight.ttf', size) elif style is 'bold': font = Font.get(Path.font() + 'RobotoBold.ttf', size) else: font = Font.get(style, size) # Adjust y position depending on order if order is not None: y = 5 - (order*1.25) # Convert coordinates to pygame compatible coordinates x, y = Coordinates.to_pygame(x=x, y=y) user_input = '' loop = True while loop is True: surface = font.render(text_new, 1, core_color(color)) size = surface.get_size() pygame.draw.rect(screen, core_color(background), (x,y,size[0],size[1])) screen.blit(surface, (x,y)) pygame.display.flip() # wait for user input answer = response(get_RT=False) if answer is "SPACE": answer = "_" if answer is not "ENTER": if answer is "ESCAPE": if allow_NA is True: return("NA") else: user_input = '' warning_text = text_new+' incorrect (input required)' warning = 1 if answer is pygame.K_BACKSPACE: if user_input != '': user_input = user_input[:len(user_input)-1] text_new = text_new[:len(text_new)-1] pygame.draw.rect(screen, core_color(background), (x,y,size[0],size[1])) else: user_input = user_input + str(answer) if hide is True: text_new = text_new + "*" else: text_new = text_new + str(answer) else: if user_input is '': user_input = "NA" if allow_NA is True: return(user_input) else: user_input = '' warning_text = text_new+' incorrect (input required)' warning = 1 elif allow is not None or allow_length is not None or allow_type is not None: warning = 0 if allow is not None and user_input not in list(allow): warning_text = text_new+' incorrect (answer not allowed)' warning = 1 if isinstance(allow_length, int) and len(user_input) != allow_length: warning_text = text_new+' incorrect (' +str(allow_length)+ ' characters required)' warning = 1 if allow_max is not None and float(user_input) > float(allow_max): warning_text = text_new+' incorrect (max = ' + str(allow_max) + ')' warning = 1 allow_type = "int" if allow_type is not None: if allow_type is "int": try: user_input = int(user_input) except ValueError: warning_text = text_new + ' incorrect (wrong type)' warning = 1 if allow_type is "float": try: user_input = float(user_input) except ValueError: warning_text = text_new + ' incorrect (wrong type)' warning = 1 if warning == 1: surface = font.render(warning_text, 1, core_color(color)) size = surface.get_size() pygame.draw.rect(screen, core_color(background), (x,y,size[0],size[1])) screen.blit(surface, (x,y)) refresh() time.wait(700) pygame.draw.rect(screen, core_color(background), (x,y,size[0],size[1])) refresh() else: return(user_input) else: return(user_input)